Small things make a big difference!
At Café-Restaurant Savipakari, we are committed to working for sustainable development and promise to develop our operations systematically. We want to offer food made from Finnish and local food ingredients, reduce food waste and promote recycling.
We communicate to our partners our commitment to the principles of the EcoCompass sustainability certificate and to promoting the principles of sustainable tourism in Sustainable Travel Finland. We also encourage our partners to acquire their own environmental management system.
Principles of sustainable tourism in the Café-Restaurant Savipakari
1. We believe in fair cooperation
We develop travel in cooperation with other actors in our region and industry. Together we can better impact the future of society and travel. Because we want our region to be a great place to live and visit both now and, in the future, we make decisions that are sustainable for future generations, as well. We treat everyone with respect and fairness, and we only conduct fair and honest business.
2. We take care of nature
We protect our region’s environment, landscapes, and biodiversity. Our operations do not exceed the carrying capacity of nature but help to safeguard the opportunities for a good life and the preservation of our region’s clean operating environment.
3. We respect cultural heritage
We preserve the cultural heritage of our region. We aim to present, revitalise, maintain, and strengthen culture genuinely and respectfully. We also understand that cultures have always developed in interaction and learned from each other.
4. We promote wellbeing, human rights and equality
We treat our employees, guests, and the residents of our area equally and with respect, regardless of their background. We consider people’s special needs in our operations. We train, guide and encourage our employees to act responsibly.
5. We prefer local
We support our region’s products, services and businesses, and our goal is to employ local people. We prefer food made from Finnish raw ingredients. We involve residents and businesses in matters that concern them.
6. We invest in safety and quality
We ensure the safety of our local residents, staff, and guests, as well as compliance with the law and government regulations. When we develop our services and products with a primary focus on quality, we create the conditions for the continuity of our operations.
7. We consider climate impacts
We make good climate choices and reduce our carbon footprint. We monitor the environmental impact of travel and aim for more efficient use of energy and resources through active measurements.
8. We communicate openly
In our region, we boldly communicate about the responsible actions of travel and future plans and visions. We want Finnish sustainable travel to be known around the world. We are not only open about our successes but also challenges.
9. We are constantly developing our business
We are ready to renew our services and products to keep them in demand in the future. A stable economy and ethical business practices provide the basis for the sustainable development of operations.
10. We are committed to the principles of sustainable travel
We take an active role in promoting and implementing these principles of sustainable travel. We will create a sustainable travel action plan, which will guide us more systematically in the future. We are committed to action and want to learn more in the future, too.
Sustainable Travel Finland
We are part of the STF programme for the promotion of sustainable development, which Visit Finland has developed for tourism companies and regions, so that the tourism industry can meet the changing demand and secure its future. The programme achieves the Sustainable Travel Finland label.
More info:
We have chosen the Finnish EcoCompass as our company’s environmental management system.
With the support of the audited environmental programme, we reduce our environmental impacts in accordance with the principle of continuous improvement. The work for sustainable development has begun, and in June 2022 we received the EcoCompass sustainability certificate.